Overall I think the day went well. The fit up happened smoothly and quickly due to ease of our designs. We tried to ensure that all we put up was close to our lighting statements as possible. I think if we had of spoken to the creatives this process would have been easier. We are both to blame for this as we should have made more of an effort to reach out and get information. I did exchange a few emails with the head of department but there wasn't a lot of information passed between those emails. I think it would have helped the dancers reaching out to us to give us specific details but they were given our emails and didn't use them. This is one of the only things that I would try and improve on for the future, so I know what I want to do on the day and I have more ideas of what I want to do for each piece. Time wasn't an issue but if it had of been this would have helped the process along massively.
I think me and Kieren could of had more communication, it was hard to keep in contact because of me being away and us both being busy with work and various social activities. This is something that is going to happen in the industry so I'm taking this as a positive experience and using to my advantage in the future. Moving forward I would create an email chai for us to both look back on and refer to for quickness and ease. We had a messenger chat but it was more than this project that was spoken about in this chat. There was a lot of things that were changed without me being told or made aware of during discussions with others . I personally think he let others influence more and didn't take my ideas and designs into account it was a very one sided design process after our initial discussion. However I did not complain about this and I made it look good working with what I had and I did my best to be creative with some of the decisions he had made.
I also wish I had been able to do more prep work for this including cutting the gels and finding my gobo's. I hunted for gobo holders and there was only one this meant I had to adapt my ideas that I had had for this due to lack of correct equipment needed for my design. I was too there was enough for what I wanted to do but on the day there wasn't. Again I am to blame for not checking before I left college. I have learnt that all tech spec's need to be up to date for venues or it can lead to the issues I had today. Luckily I was quick to adapt and change my plans and I did not delay plotting sessions or the focus. I made an executive decision to only put one gobo in that would work for my piece and Kieren. I will now always ensure that we have the correct equipment that we need to see my designs fully realised.
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